Australiërs geïnspireerd door Kyle Anderson op World Cup

Gepubliceerd op 11 september 2021 om 14:00

De Australiërs Simon Whitlock en Damon Heta willen dit weekend de Cazoo World Cup of Darts winnen als herinnering aan Kyle Anderson.


Heta en Whitlock droegen de naam van Kyle Anderson op de mouwen van hun shirts tijdens hun eerste ronde wedstrijd op de World Cup of Darts op donderdagavond tegen Italië. De voormalig Auckland Darts Masters overleed vorige maand plotseling.


Anderson had samen met Whitlock vier keer meegedaan aan de World Cup totdat zijn plek in 2020 werd overgenomen door zijn jeugdvriend Heta.


De Australiërs haalden in 2012 de finale en haalden ook nog drie keer meer de halve finales van het toernooi, maar Heta is vastberaden dit weekend de titel mee te nemen naar Australië.


HETA: "We always dreamt one day that we would play the World Cup together and I think this is the one.

Kyle led the pathway for myself and has helped me more than he realises. He's opened so many doors for me.

He was a brother to everyone - he treated everyone like they were family, and not one person ever had a bad word about him. He was just loved.

I think a lot of people would have got up back home to watch and see it all unfold. They want to see us do well for Kyle, and I think we're due [a win] - we've seen too much disappointment."


Hetas gedachten worden gedeeld door Whitlock.


WHITLOCK: "I can't stop thinking about Kyle.

I miss him so much and it's such a big loss. I want to play my best darts and we were so focused on getting the job done.

We are the team to beat as far as I'm concerned - we're a three-man team, we've got an extra player."


Heta en Whitlock gaven de Italianen in de eerste ronde geen pijl op de dubbels, maar de man uit Perth denkt dat de wedstrijd op zaterdag tegen de Verenigde Staten een stuk lastiger gaat worden.

HETA: "I think I probably tried too hard - I did have a couple of good shots but I think I'll be better in the later stages.

If I come in with the hunger like Simon did [on Thursday night], there shouldn't be a team that could stop us."


© Foto's: Professional Darts Corporation (PDC)