Anderson vreesde voor leven tijdens COVID-19 besmetting

Gepubliceerd op 9 mei 2020 om 22:00

Kyle Anderson heeft toegegeven bang te zijn voor zijn leven tijdens zijn besmetting met het COVID-19 virus. Vanavond komt hij in actie tijdens de Unibet Home Tour.


Bij de Australische nummer twee werd op 29 maart het Coronavirus vastgesteld en ging vier weken in isolatie op een boerderij bij hem in de buurt in Mount Margan, Queensland.


De voormalig Auckland Darts Masters kampioen had geen behandeling in het ziekenhuis nodig, maar had erg veel last van symptomen. 


Op donderdag 30 april testte The Original negatief op het virus, en is het teruggegaan naar zijn vrouw Tara en zoon Charles.


ANDERSON: “There was one time at night when I woke up and I was coughing. Then I thought to myself, and this might be morbid, am I going to wake up from this?

I had a coughing fit and I thought to myself: ‘Is this it? Will I fall asleep and not wake up?’ 

Thank God I woke up. It was very real for me. I was scared to the point where I didn’t know what would happen next.

In England I'm 30 hours away but there it was 30 minutes. The hardest thing was not being allowed to get up and come to the family - by law I couldn't go out.

It's so good to be back with them. I spend the majority of my time abroad, so to come home and spend this time with them has been great and we've got that connection back that we haven't had for a while.


I couldn't throw a dart for five weeks while I was in isolation so it was weird playing again - I was getting angry with myself.

I don't usually have a darts set-up at home but I've got a Unicorn stand and it's set up in my garage.

I've played a friend online but it wasn't good but had some good practice, but I'll be able to be more focused.

It will be good to get back to playing, but I'm not sure how I'll go. I'm a bit nervous because it might take me some time to get back into it."


© Foto: Professional Darts Corporation (PDC)