Ashton behaalt ''massive achievement''

Gepubliceerd op 22 januari 2020 om 09:00

Lisa Ashton is de eerste vrouwelijke speler ooit die een PDC Tour Card heeft bemachtigd op de Q-School.


De viervoudig Dames Wereldkampioen heeft haar Tour Card veilig gesteld op de UK Q-School van 2020. Ze verloor de finale op dag 2, maar behaalde genoeg punten om haar Tour Card te krijgen via de Q-School Order of Merit.


Ashton zal nu deelnemen aan de ProTour in 2020 en 2021.


ASHTON: "I am so proud of myself, I couldn't be more happy - this achievement is another level.

To get the Tour Card and know I'm going to play against the top men in the world is another massive achievement for me.

I know I've got to do the hard work and keep going but hopefully I can get more opportunities. It's going to open a load more doors for me, more tournaments.

I'm not just going to make the numbers up. I'm going to do the hard work and hopefully I can compete and give them a go.

Ladies' darts is in the best place ever. The ladies are raising their game, and with Fallon getting through and me getting this Tour Card it's just showing the ladies are slowly coming through.

Hopefully more will follow us."


© Foto: Professional Darts Corporation (PDC)